One might think that a man's dinner menu isn't exactly newsworthy. That is, unless you're the pope. Apparently if you wear a big, sparkly hat and allow millions of people to call you Holy Father, then what you put into your mouth is worthy of a news write-up by Religion News Service:
Baked skinless chicken, salad, fruit and a glass of simple wine hardly seems like food fit for a king. But it does seem to be a meal fit for a pope.
Pope Francis is becoming well known for his simple tastes: As Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, he carried his own bags when traveling, preferred public transportation to chauffeur-driven limousines, and, the stories go, cooks meals for himself.
His humble lifestyle extends to the kitchen, a stark contrast with his predecessor, Benedict XVI, who before becoming pope relished feasting on fettuccine with shrimp, zucchini and saffron.
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photo credit: amanky via photopin cc |
And if we're going to judge a man's humility by his menu, well, then us bloggers ought to be some of the most humble men and women of them all. Sure, Pope Francis used to live in a little apartment, take the bus, and eats skinless chicken and salad. But us bloggers live in our mother's basements, spend our days in a beanbag chair, and maintain a steady diet of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. I mean, if we want to have a humility contest, who do you really think is going to win? The guy in the robes with a massive silver cross around his neck, or the sweatpants-wearing blogger?
Well, it's about time for me to go prepare a humble lunch, so while I do that, please go ahead and enjoy your week in review (kind of):
- Heads up: the Holy Spirit and the Shekinah glory are scheduled to be in Houston from 28–31 March. Plan your calendar and your prayers accordingly.
- Interesting questions on this Texas fifth-grader's exam about 9/11.
- The Cripplegate has had a few really good articles about Roman Catholicism, the papacy, etc. In this one, Steve Meister talks about alleviating the protestant inferiority complex. He also rightly observes, "Since the Pope misrepresents the evangel, the gospel, I fail to grasp how he could ever excite evangelicals."
- Up to 20 churches are leaving C.J. Mahaney's Sovereign Grace Ministries "because of disputes over the leadership capabilities of the group's president, Pastor C.J. Mahaney, and its executive board."
- Steve Lawson on Proverbs 31.
- Hm. I thought everyone who has been praising 'The Bible' miniseries said it would lead people to read the actual Bible, not a chintzy novel written by a New Age Roman Catholic.
- Jim Wallis likes 'The Bible' miniseries and has produced commentary video clips that appear on the production's website. Think about that.
- The Internet probably knows more about you than does your family. Something to think about.
- You can't deny that this is mildly amusing.
- Brian McLaren supports Rob Bell's stance on gay marriage. Well, color me not-shocked-at-all.
- I've heard a lot of Christians praising the television show Duck Dynasty. I've never watched it myself, but those who do may want to examine just what kind of a gospel the Duck Dynasty family proclaims.
- Michael Kruger reviews A New New Testament.
- And this week's Eisegetical Nonsense award goes to . . . Saddleback Church!
- An interesting article asking, "Where are the honest atheists?"
- The Mormons have once again changed their scriptures, specifically updating references to blacks and to polygamy. Kinda makes you extra thankful to know that the true and living Word of God never changes, doesn't it?
- Here's your weekly dose of adorable.
- I've always said 'Earth Hour' — those 60 minutes every year where everyone is supposed to sit in the dark and not use any electricity — was utterly ridiculous. (In fact, I usually celebrate by turning on as many lights and electrical appliances as possible). Turns out it's not just ridiculous,it's downright backwards.
- Here's some interesting photographs of children from across the globe each posing with their toys.
- Only Carl Trueman could write a blog post entitled, "The Yuck Factor" and still have it be taken seriously (as it should be).
- Tim Challies shares the background of a favorite hymn, How Firm a Foundation.
- Are you a pastor who has spent so much time preparing for your church's Easter Egg Drop that you haven't had time yet to prepare an Easter sermon? Well, look no further. Here's a full Easter sermon all prepped and ready to go.
- The Alpha Course's Nicky Gumbel is excited about Pope Francis I.
- Former 'pastor' Jack Schaap has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for his relationship with a minor.
- The TSA managed to utterly humiliate an injured marine.
- The University of Tennessee has withdrawn some of the funds from its upcoming 'Sex Week' event. Organizers only have a few days to find over $11,000. Good, I hope it gets canceled.
- First comes gay marriage, then comes polygamy.
- Speaking of gay marriage, this North Carolina church has promised to stop performing marriages until gay marriage is permitted.
- Back to 'The Bible' miniseries: there's a little—no, a huge—something missing in the scene of the Last Supper.
- Blasphemous. There are no other words.
- Never make a Gospel appeal to people's emotions:
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