Along the way, there are several things we can use to test our hearts. We may say one thing but in reality be pursuing something totally different.
What Do I Measure?
What do you measure that gets you excited when it’s good, or it discourages you when it’s not quite what you wanted?
• Attendance
• Salvations
• Baptisms
• Service
• Groups
• Other_______________
• Salvations
• Baptisms
• Service
• Groups
• Other_______________
Where Is My Win?
This is different than measurement. This is more like the finishing of a race you have trained hard for, and you win it! What is gonna cause you to raise your hands and the do the "Victory Dance?"
• Having the biggest church in town?
• Replacing yourself?
• Starting a new Campus or Church?
• Quitting?
• Seeing your "haters" go away?
• Replacing yourself?
• Starting a new Campus or Church?
• Quitting?
• Seeing your "haters" go away?
Who's Next?
"When a student is fully trained, he will be like his teacher." We must train, love, and multiply others that can do what we have been doing and do it better! Jesus had that mind-set, and that’s what He did…"Greater things will you do."
• Who’s going to carry this on?
• Who am I teaching to do what I do?
• How many am I helping to get where I am…1? 3? 12?
• Do I really want those that come after me to do it better than me?
• Who am I teaching to do what I do?
• How many am I helping to get where I am…1? 3? 12?
• Do I really want those that come after me to do it better than me?
When Am I Finished?
Finished? Yeah, finished. Not entirely, but at least that "big vision," that calling that has consumed you for a period of time. When do you know you have crossed over and conquered the land? Yes, even the worst or best adventures must come to an end.
• Have I spent enough time with God to hear the full plan?
• Do I have written goals?
• Do I have the "John" mindset? "I must decrease, and he must increase." (Your successor)
• When "This" is finished, how do I plan to "Finish well"?
• Do I have written goals?
• Do I have the "John" mindset? "I must decrease, and he must increase." (Your successor)
• When "This" is finished, how do I plan to "Finish well"?
These are some tough questions. Some of you may be too young (or you just think you are) to consider such questions. Let me assure you, no matter where, who, what, or when you start and finish, there is always the next race God has for you.
Make sure you know your true Mission; now, finish it well. Or you may never make it to the next one!
What is the hardest question for you to answer where you are RIGHT NOW? 
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