I’ve been discontent with the way our relationships have been going. It’s not that they’re bad or absent, but I’ve felt that we haven’t actively pursued community.
So we had a deep and real conversation with some close friends. It turns out they’d been feeling the same way. That talk kept us aware of the need, and in that, we decided to be more purposeful in the way we pursued our friends.
The surprising part of this week has been just how much we connected, and as we did, how much God encouraged us. Doing stuff is a blessing.
• Two meetings with college girls where I had the privilege of speaking into their lives.
• A dinner with two families where we shared our passion for missions.
• A call with a writer friend that deeply encouraged me.
• Another call with a speaker friend that reinforced what God has been doing in my life.
• A dinner with some friends walking through a dark time.
• Lunch with a struggling friend.
• Breakfast with a writer who shared a tremendous story of God’s activity in her career.
• A dinner with two families where we shared our passion for missions.
• A call with a writer friend that deeply encouraged me.
• Another call with a speaker friend that reinforced what God has been doing in my life.
• A dinner with some friends walking through a dark time.
• Lunch with a struggling friend.
• Breakfast with a writer who shared a tremendous story of God’s activity in her career.
All this since Monday. Truly!
Which goes to show, it’s better when we talk it out, then watch where God might show us the stuff to do. Because, boy howdy, He will.
C. S. Lewis wrote, “The more often we feel without acting, the less we will be able ever to act, and in the long run, the less we will be able to feel.” I’d felt my heart stagnate when I didn’t do what He’d been wooing me to do. My heart felt empty.
In that emptiness, I thought of eternity and what reward I’d have there.
This quote from Amy Carmichael put things in perspective for me: “We shall have all eternity to celebrate our victories, but we have only the few hours before sunset in which to win them.”
Time on this Earth is short. God calls us to love Him and love people. He calls us to do stuff, as Bob Goff talks about in his inspiring book, Love Does. When we don’t, we shrink a bit. But when we do, we find our hearts expanding.
What about you? What has God called you to do these days? And when you did those things, what happened to your heart? 
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